CFM Configuration Example
This section provides a configuration example for Connectivity Fault Management (CFM).
CFM Configuration Example
The following sections show the steps required to configure CFM.

The following commands are not supported on all hardware platforms:
cfm maintenance-domain
cfm maintenance-association
vlan nodal-mip-level
Switch A
MAINTENANCE-DOMAIN CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-domain "spbm" index 1 maintenance-level 6 MAINTENANCE-ASSOCIATION CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-association "spbm" "2" index 1 cfm maintenance-association "spbm" "3" index 2 MAINTENANCE-ENDPOINT CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-endpoint "spbm" "2" 1 state enable cfm maintenance-endpoint "spbm" "3" 1 state enable VLAN NODAL MEP/MIP CONFIGURATION vlan nodal-mep 2 spbm 2 1 vlan nodal-mip-level 2 6 vlan nodal-mep 3 spbm 3 1 vlan nodal-mip-level 3 6
Switch B
MAINTENANCE-DOMAIN CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-domain spbm index 1 maintenance-level 6 MAINTENANCE-ASSOCIATION CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-association "spbm" "2" index 1 cfm maintenance-association "spbm" "3" index 2 MAINTENANCE-ENDPOINT CONFIGURATION cfm maintenance-endpoint "spbm" "2" 2 state enable cfm maintenance-endpoint "spbm" "3" 2 state enable VLAN NODAL MEP/MIP CONFIGURATION vlan nodal-mep 2 spbm 2 2 vlan nodal-mip-level 2 6 vlan nodal-mep 3 spbm 3 2 vlan nodal-mip-level 3 6
CFM Sample Output
The following sections show sample CFM output.
L2ping can use the system ID or the router name. The following example shows a case where the VLAN and MAC are given.
show isis adjacencies
Switch:1# show isis adjacencies ======================================================================================================= ISIS Adjacencies ======================================================================================================= INTERFACE L STATE UPTIME PRI HOLDTIME SYSID HOST-NAME STATUS AREA AREA-NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Port1/3 1 UP 00:37:37 127 22 0014.0dbf.a3df Switch-Lab1 ACTIVE HOME area-9.00.02 Port1/19 1 UP 1d 05:09:16 127 25 0014.0da2.b3df Switch-Lab2 BACKUP HOME area-9.00.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home: 2 out of 2 interfaces have formed an adjacency Remote: 0 out of 0 interfaces have formed an adjacency -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
l2 ping with vlan
Switch:1# l2 ping vlan 500 mac Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort ----00:14:0d:bf:a3:df L2 PING Statistics---- 0(68) bytes of data 1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.00% packet loss
l2 ping with vlan
Switch:1# l2 ping vlan 500 routernodename MONTI0 Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort ----00:14:0d:a2:b3:df L2 PING Statistics---- 0(68) bytes of data 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip (us) min/max/ave/stdv = 26895/26895/26895.00/ 0.00
l2 traceroute with vlan
Switch:1# l2 traceroute vlan 500 routernodename MONTI0 Please wait for l2traceroute to complete or press any key to abort l2traceroute to MONTI0 (00:14:0d:a2:b3:df), vlan 500 0 PETER4 (00:15:9b:11:33:df) 1 MONTI0 (00:14:0d:a2:b3:df)
l2 tracetree with vlan
Switch:1# l2 tracetree 500 1 Please wait for l2tracetree to complete or press any key to abort l2tracetree to 53:55:10:00:00:01, vlan 500 i-sid 1 nickname 5.55.10 hops 64 1 PETER4 00:15:9b:11:33:df -> MONTI0 00:14:0d:a2:b3:df 2 MONTI0 00:14:0d:a2:b3:df -> LEE2 00:15:e8:b8:a3:df
l2 ping with IP address
You can also use L2ping and L2traceroute with an IP address. The following outputs show examples using an IP address.
Switch:1# l2 ping ip-address Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort L2 PING Statistics : IP, paths found 1, paths attempted 1 ================================================================================ TX RX PERCENT ROUND TRIP TIME VLAN NEXT HOP PKTS PKTS LOSS MIN/MAX/AVE (us) ================================================================================ 500 SHAMIM (00:1a:8f:08:53:df) 1 0 100.00% 0/0/0.00
l2 ping with IPv6 address
Switch:1# l2 ping ip-address 49:0:0:0:0:0:0:11 Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort L2 PING Statistics : IP 49:0:0:0:0:0:0:11, paths found 1, paths attempted 1 ================================================================================ TX RX PERCENT ROUND TRIP TIME VLAN NEXT HOP PKTS PKTS LOSS MIN/MAX/AVE (us) ================================================================================ 41 SHAMIM (00:49:00:01:00:11) 1 1 0.00% 11876/11876/11876.00
l2 traceroute with IP address
Switch:1# l2 traceroute ip-address Please wait for l2trace to complete or press any key to abort L2 Trace Statistics : IP, paths found 1 ================================================================== SHAMIM (00:1a:8f:08:53:df), vlan 500 0 PETER4 (00:15:9b:11:33:df) 1 MONTI0 (00:14:0d:a2:b3:df)
l2 traceroute with IPv6 address
Switch:1# l2 traceroute ip-address 49:0:0:0:0:0:0:11 Please wait for l2trace to complete or press any key to abort L2 Trace Statistics : IP 49:0:0:0:0:0:0:11, paths found 1 ================================================================== SHAMIM (00:49:00:01:00:11), vlan 41 0 4K-DUT7 (00:49:00:01:00:17) 1 9k-2 (00:49:00:01:00:92) 2 8K-1 (00:49:00:08:00:81) 3 4K-DUT1 (00:49:00:01:00:11)
show cfm maintenance-domain
Switch:1#show cfm maintenance-domain ================================================================================ Maintenance Domain ================================================================================ Domain Name Domain Index Level Domain Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- md1 99 3 NONE Total number of Maintenance Domain entries: 1.
show cfm maintenance-association
Switch:1#show cfm maintenance-association ================================================================================ Maintenance Association Status ================================================================================ Domain Name Assn Name Domain Idx Assn Idx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- md1 ma1 1 98 Total number of Maintenance Association entries: 1. ================================================================================ Maintenance Association config ================================================================================ Domain Name Assn Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- md1 ma1 Total number of MA entries: 1.
show cfm maintenance-endpoint
Switch:1#show cfm maintenance-endpoint ================================================================================ Maintenance Endpoint Config ================================================================================ DOMAIN ASSOCIATION MEP ADMIN NAME NAME ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- md1 ma1 1 enable Total number of MEP entries: 1. ================================================================================ Maintenance Endpoint Service ================================================================================ DOMAIN_NAME ASSN_NAME MEP_ID TYPE SERVICE_DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- md1 ma1 1 unused Total number of MEP entries: 1.
show vlan nodal-mep
Switch:1#show vlan nodal-mep ================================================================================ Vlan Nodal Mep ================================================================================ VLAN_ID DOMAIN_NAME.ASSOCIATION_NAME.MEP_ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 md1.ma1.1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
show vlan nodal-mip-level
Switch:1#show vlan nodal-mip-level ================================================================================ Vlan Nodal Mip Level ================================================================================ VLAN_ID NODAL_MIP_LEVEL_LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14